
Instructions for Authors

จากไชต์: วารสารวิชาการ
จำนวนผู้เข้าชม: 512


             The Office of National Anti-Corruption Commission (ONACC) publishes are academic journal on fighting corruption (the NACC Journal) in January each year. Articles should be submitted before September to be considered for publication in January.

             The NACC Journal is a peer-reviewed journal of social science and humanities, providing a forum for researchers to present their research findings and viewpoints on anticorruption activities and concepts.

Instructions for submission

  1. All manuscripts should be submitted with the understanding that they are original, unpublished works and are not being submitted for publication elsewhere.
  1. Manuscripts must be submitted in double space with margins as shown, with references on separate pages and a maximum length of 25 pages including tables and figures.The fonts must be TH SarabunPSK 16 for articles written in Thai or TH SarabunPSK 16 for papers in English.
  1. The authors should submit two hard copies of their papers and a diskette or an e-mail attachment.
  2. The manuscript should have the following components:

      4.1 Article title or topic in English and in Thai (if appropriate),

      4.2 Author’s name in English (and both Thai and English for Thai authors) With institutional affiliation and contact information: e-mail address, telephone, and facsimile,

      4.3 Abstract in Thai and English of approximately 10-15 lines for Thai or 100-150 words for English,

      4.4 Keywords (about 5 words) that describe the article’s focus,

      4.5 Content: about 10-20 pages,

      4.6 Figures and Tables must be numbered and have titles and captions. An article should not contain more than 4 pages of figures and tables,

      4.7 Conclusions and Recommendations based on the research findings or paper’s discussion, not exceeding 20 lines,

      4.8 Footnotes must be sequentially numbered,

      4.9 The bibliography or reference list should appear at the end of the text. The reference list should include every work cited in the text. Please ensure that the dates, spelling and title used in the text are consistent with those listed in the references. For articles written in Thai, works cited that are written in Thai should appear first. The Journal prefers the reference system of the American Psychological Association (APA) which can be found at Books appear before other kinds of materials and each reference should contain the author, year of publication, title, publisher’s name and town/city in which the publisher is located. Please include the ISBN/ISSN, if any. For \ references mentioned specifically in the article, the page (s) from which the quotation was taken must be in the reference,

     4.10 References to websites or other electronic forms should appear after the references to books and articles.

